This week my mother is visiting her sister down in Savannah Georgia which leaves me with a little bit more responsibility than normal. My dad works and my brother is bedridden with a fractured ankle. On top of school and work this week is set up to be pretty stressful for me. The thought that continuously comes to my head is I wouldn’t have to deal with any of this if I had just gone away to college. It’s almost every day where I debate in my head which was a better idea was, obviously I’m saving a lot of money staying home, and I am someone that takes my future quite seriously but is that extra saved money really worth missing out on two years of the best years of your life. Maybe my thought process was, I’ll get my associates degree, go to school for two years, get out with a bunch of saved money and be able to have the same fun that I would’ve had the first two years of college. That type of thinking is called a gamble something that I very much do not like doing. While I was debating this in my head my father came into my room and told me that as much as they say the college memories are ones you’ll never forget, he said the most successful people don’t party in college. He knows how badly I want to be successful, but he also knows just how much seeing all this fun stuff my friends are doing on social media makes me feel. I feel as though I’m somebody that is supposed to be having fun and when I’m not I truly don’t feel well. Maybe that’s everyone and I’m just crazy but those are my thoughts for today. this link below gives 8 ways to fight over thinking.
